Recently, after building a current-switching VCO based on the AN-72 topology, the Schmitt Trigger element was discovered to be rather sensitive to touch and AC hum pickup in the pad-per-hold breadboard implementation, and it had speed limitations that limited frequency range.
It's sort of obvious, but then as demonstrated with a LM3900 Frequency Doubler, use of higher input currents for applications where the LM3900 must switch is more favorable. Linear operation with the LM3900 tends to work well with input currents ≤ 100 µA, but for switching operation input currents ≥ 100 µA are more favorable.
This test circuit was a retooling of the VCO Schmitt Trigger for a higher input current range, and measurement of the Vbe at the inputs in order to understand how to set higher precision of the switching voltages, or trip-points.
The circuit tested is shown in the engineering notes page above. Some representative scope fotos explaining results are follow the engineering notes.
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